

“How do you cope with it?” a friend recently asked, referring to my apparent comfort with uncertainty. I guess it makes sense that they’d ask me. Even though I’ve always had a general sense of direction, I’ve never been one to take the safest, most predictable path. Instead, I tend to pursue what I actually want, often putting all my bets on one path—sometimes at the risk of falling flat when things don’t go as planned.

This approach has meant facing unexpected setbacks and navigating through a plenty of ambiguity. So, how do I deal with that? Can you really learn to embrace uncertainty and find some level of peace with it? Or is it just a signal that you’re headed straight for failure?

Play It Safe or Reach for the Moon?

The first question to ask yourself is this: what do you really want? Are you someone who values stability and predictability above all else? Or are you more driven by the possibility of achieving something bigger, even if it means facing risks and stepping into the unknown?

Your answer to this question is crucial because it shapes how you handle uncertainty. If stability is your goal, then a cautious approach makes sense. Stick to what’s proven, keep your safety nets in place, and avoid unnecessary risks—even if it means staying in a situation that doesn’t quite thrill you.

But if you’re aiming for something that’s beyond your current reach—something that pushes the boundaries of your comfort zone and skills—then understand that uncertainty is simply part of the package. When you’re reaching for your own version of the moon, you have to accept that the path won’t be smooth. There will be setbacks, pivots, and moments of doubt. It’s all part of the journey when you’re moving toward something new and unfamiliar.

In a way, uncertainty is often a sign that you’re progressing, learning, and growing. It’s evidence that you’re stepping into new territory, even if the situation wasn’t entirely in your control.

Of course, embracing uncertainty doesn’t mean going in blind. It’s about finding the right balance —knowing when to push ahead and when it’s smarter to step back and reassess.

Concrete Strategies for Embracing Uncertainty

One thing I’ve come to realize is that learning to handle uncertainty isn’t just about mindset; it’s a skill you can develop over time. If facing the unknown doesn’t come naturally to you, there are a few ways to build that resilience:

Reframe the Unknown: Instead of jumping to the worst-case scenario, try looking at uncertainty as an open door. When you find yourself asking, “What if it all falls apart?” switch it up to, “What new opportunities could this bring?” It’s a small mental shift, but it can change your entire outlook.

Focus on Small Wins: When things feel chaotic, the big picture can be too much to handle. Break it down. Set tiny, achievable goals that keep you moving forward, even if they’re just baby steps. Each little win adds up and gives you the momentum to keep going.

Appreciate Where You Are: I know it sounds cliché, but grounding yourself in what you already have can make a huge difference. Whether it’s meditation, journaling, hitting the gym, or something else entirely—find a practice that brings you back to the present. It helps to remind yourself of the good things around you, which can ease the anxiety about what’s to come. When you’re calm and centered, facing the unknown feels a bit more manageable.

Real-Life Examples of Thriving Through Uncertainty

Sometimes, seeing how others have navigated uncertainty can provide inspiration. Take Steve Jobs, for example. In the face of uncertainty—like being ousted from the company he founded—he didn’t back down. Instead, he used that time to explore new ventures, eventually returning to Apple and transforming it into the tech giant it is today.

These kind of examples remind us that uncertainty isn’t just a challenge; it’s often a precursor to innovation and growth. It’s not a comfortable space to be in, but it’s one that has led to some of the greatest advancements. When you’re facing uncertainty in your own life, it can help to remember that many others before you have thrived in similar conditions—and so can you.

Turning Uncertainty into Opportunity

If anything, times of uncertainty are a chance to find new opportunities and uncover aspects of yourself that may have remained hidden.

Sure, if you’re unsure when your next paycheck will arrive, it’s not easy to carelessly explore every possibility. But that doesn’t mean you can’t make the most of this phase. This uncertainty will eventually pass, and it’ll leave you with a story that has made you more resilient and adaptable—qualities that are always valuable.

Consider it a challenge to find opportunity in the unknown. What if this period of uncertainty is nudging you toward something more aligned with who you are or what you truly want? What if it’s pushing you to explore a path you wouldn’t have otherwise considered?

Nothing exciting or transformative ever happened in a state of complete stability. So go out, embrace the uncertainty, and see where it leads you. After all, isn’t that where the most interesting stories begin?

Concluding Thoughts: The Power of Being Unsettled

Here’s the paradox: we all want certainty, but too much of it can make life predictable to the point of stagnation. Uncertainty, while uncomfortable, forces us to adapt, grow, and redefine our limits. It’s the tension between the known and the unknown that brings excitement to life and drives us forward.

So, the next time you find yourself in a state of uncertainty, remember that it’s not a threat. It’s a nudge—a reminder that you’re on a journey with limitless possibilities. It’s a sign that you’re willing to stretch beyond what’s familiar, which is a rare quality.

Uncertainty isn’t something to merely cope with. It’s something to harness, to use as fuel. Because when you look back, it’s often those uncertain chapters that define you the most. So don’t play it too safe. Reach for your own version of the moon, and let the uncertainty be part of the thrill.

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